
About Justin Kaechele

Justin is a Business Development Manager at eMedApps. He specializes in EHR workflow consulting. His primary aim is to help reduce burdensome EHR documentation and achieve clinical efficiency through EHR customization and interoperability solutions for a happier, more productive clinical experience with EHR software under the overarching goal of improving clinical outcomes for patients. Justin also consults healthcare clinics with disaster recovery configurations and business continuity plans to ensure the protection of and continuous access to their EHR data. He received his undergrad at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, CA.

A Tale of Two CIOs: A Lesson in Listening to your Providers

A Lesson in Listening to your Providers It was the best of clinical times, it was the worst of clinical times, It was the age of information, it was the age of misinformation, It was the epoch of innovation, it was the epoch of frustration, It was the season of electronic solutions, it was the [...]

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